Life is a
Grand Adventure

Mountain Biking in East Idaho
I’m often asked about where to ride or about how to buy or service a mountain bike in the East Idaho area. Trying to brain dump all of that on somebody in passing is tricky. Hopefully this makes it easier. Are there other resources I should add to this? Tell me about them in the comments!

Building a Mountain Bike Trail at Eagle Park
It was actually spring in Rexburg, Idaho. With the snow melted, we took to the streets. The kids and I went for rides every chance

Mini Caramel Apple Candies
One year, I bought way too many green apple frooties for an expo. I couldn’t even give them all away at Halloween. After weeks of snacking on them at work, it hit me. I needed caramel. Then I came up with these little delights which, to me, are what I always want real caramel apples to taste like.

Pearamel Crumble
How many times have you made an apple pie, apple crisp, or apple cobbler just to feel like your apples are not as soft as you’d like them to be. Pearamel Crumble is what you always wanted your apple crumble to be.

4th of July Cheesecake Salad
This fruit salad or red, white, and blue is a great addition to any summer picnic, especially on independance day.

Fudge That’s Simple and Delicious
Who doesn’t love a good fudge, especially at Christmas time? For the most part, fudge recipes tend to be very complicated and hard to get just right. This one defies all of that.

Marshmallow Caramel Nut Clusters
I love a good chocolate treat but I also love simple. This one is both. It only takes a couple ingredients, a couple minutes, and let it set.

7 Habits & Tricks to Wake You Up in the Morning
The effectiveness of your whole day can pivot on your morning routine, yet so many of us struggle to simply wake up. There’s a lot

Chocolate Peanut Butter Weight Gain Shake
Not everybody needs to lose weight and for those that don’t, it can be a real struggle to gain weight in a healthy way. This shake, coupled with plenty of activity and exercise will start your days off in a healthy way and help you pack on some real weight.

Hate is Hate and That’s Not US
I’ve been avoiding saying much politically since the election. I know that friends and family who feared Donald Trump as much or more than I